Thursday, April 26, 2007


Somehow found myself perusing the Flickr page of Wil Wheaton, or Wesley Crusher as he is known to trekkies around the galaxy. Not much to add other than I find this picture perfectly hysterical.
Wil has a blog, as well, that is often entertaining.


Reyerson said...

I find this image disturbing for two reasons. First is the fact that someone actually spent many hours creating this monstrosity of a sweater. How could anyone think this is fashionable? I mean, even if it is meant as a joke, why would you spend so much time on something that will only generate a few chuckles? Second is the fact that I am reminded of Wesley Crusher. Long ago I had repressed this bad representation of innocent utopian boyhood. On the TV show, Picard always seemed to be pissed at Crusher. I think it's because Patrick Stewart was forced to stop his lifelong dream of being a Shakespearean thespian and take a job with this no talent choir boy just to pay the bills.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to rape you all.